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CWFC 128 – 9th Anniversary Listener Feedback Special – The Halifax Explosion & Tree for Boston

  • Posted on July 25, 2024 at 11:02 am

On this episode, it’s time for our yearly listener feedback anniversary special. Today we’ll talk about how a tragedy lead to a yearly Christmas tradition between Halifax and Boston, give you a tip on ow to celebrate Christmas in July, and Tim’ mom will be stopping by for a special Five Golden Things. Download here! 00:00 – 01:41 Intro 01:41 – 02:57 Need a Little Christmas Now 02:57 – 07:48 5 Golden Things – Top Five Decorations That Made Tim’s Mom Say “Wow” (with special guest: Tim’s Mom!) 07:48 – 12:38 Santa Babb’s Mail Bag 12:38 – 18:56 The Halifax…

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