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CWFC 127 – Inflatables

  • Posted on June 25, 2024 at 12:01 am

On this episode, we’re really gonna “blow things up” talking about Christmas inflatables. We’ve also got a tip for you about how to enjoy Christmas via the lens of foreign films, we’ve got the return of Who Sang it Best, and Jeff from the Lost Christmas podcast joins us to give us his Five Golden Things. Download here! 00:00 – 02:17 Intro 02:17 – 03:57 Need a Little Christmas Now 03:57 – 17:04 5 Golden Things – Top Five Christmas Monsters (with special guest: Jeff from the Lost Christmas podcast) 17:04 – 26:26 Inflatables 26:26 – 28:07 Who Sang It…

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