CWFC 041 – Elf on the Shelf (The Nickelback of Christmas)

  • Posted on August 25, 2018 at 12:57 am

On this episode, you’ve heard of Elf on the Shelf…well, good..because that’s what we’re gonna talk about. We’ve also got the top 5 Hallmark ornaments for 2018, a place to get your daily Christmas music fix, the latest Christmas tv movie synopsis, and we try to justify our Christmas love with science.

Download here!

00:00 – 02:20 Intro
02:20 – 03:58 We Need a Little Christmas Now
03:58 – 09:21 Five Golden Things (2018 Hallmark ornaments)
09:21 – 11:55 All I Want For Christmas is News
11:55 – 13:06 Santa Babb’s Mailbag
13:06 – 17:30 Feedback From Our Last Show
17:30 – 27:28 Elf on a Shelf
27:28 – 28:11 Who Sang It Best (results)
28:11 – 30:12 Hallmarks of a Great Christmas Movie
30:12 – 32:01 Wrap Up
32:01 – 34:49 Outtakes AND “Deleted Scene”

“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” United States Marine Band
“Jingle Bells” Performed by Kristen Nowicki

Elf on a Shelf photo is a modified version of “012 Elf on the Shelf – Snowy” by
Mark Baylor
and used under a Creative Commons license.

(The embedded player for the episode is bellow the links)

My Merry Forums “A Christmas Song Every Day” Thread

Elf on the Shelf YouTube Page

Elf on the Shelf Rhyme Memes

Tim at Rooster T Feathers (with headliner: Joe Machi)

8 Comments on CWFC 041 – Elf on the Shelf (The Nickelback of Christmas)

  1. Tony Dixon says:

    Here’s an option for the person looking for a nickname for a person that loves Christmas: Festivphile

  2. marcia poppins says:

    You’ve heard of the 49ers, so how about the 25thers for Christmas lovers?

  3. Arthur Oliva says:

    Here are my suggestions for a good name for a Die Hard Christmas fan.

    Yule Foo1, A Christmas Crazy, Noel Nut or Jingle Bell Junkie.

  4. Cameron says:

    Years ago I coined the term “perpetual” for myself. I felt like it was appropriate since I have been perpetually celebrating Christmas for a long time. My wife thinks it is silly, but I think it fits nicely.

  5. Art the Bookworm says:

    My sister suggested “Christmas Crackers” which I kind of liked… then she added a tagline “We celebrate 12/25-365!”

  6. Wes says:

    I think the real question on everyone’s mind is will we ever see the return of Random Prosepector Guy from the Christmas 2017 episode? Easily the best imaginary listener.

  7. Jim Bond says:

    A couple of years ago I balanced a Disney ornament on the edge of a martini glass and snapped a picture of the result. Instead of Elf On A Shelf, I have Tink On A Drink.

  8. Monica Lander says:

    Where can I find that “Elf on the Shelf” song you played on the podcast?
    Love the podcast! Love the information, the fun, the jokes, the music, and everything!

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