CWFC 103 – 75 Years of Toys For Tots

  • Posted on October 25, 2022 at 1:56 am

On this episode, we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Toys For Tots! We’ll also take some time to honor lost legend, Angela Lansbury. We’ll countdown the top five Christmas movie villains, recast the Santa Clause, continue to sing the praises of Underneath the Tree, and give you a chance to win a copy of Brian Earl’s new book, “Christmas Past: The Fascinating Stories Behind Our Favorite Holiday’s Traditions.”

Download here!

00:00 – 01:41 Intro
01:41 – 04:07 We Need a Little Christmas Now (A Salute to Angela Lansbury)
04:07 – 09:49 Five Golden Things (Christmas Movie Villains)
09:49 – 13:52 Santa Babb’s Mailbag
13:52 – 15:29 Contest Announcement
15:29 – 24:58 Toys For Tots
24:58 – 34:19 Mer-Re-Castmas
34:19 – 36:42 Wrap Up
36:42 – 38:40 Outtakes (now with more insanity)

“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” United States Marine Band
“Jingle Bells” Performed by Kristen Nowicki

(The embedded player for the episode is bellow the links)

Christmas Past: The Fascinating Stories Behind Our Favorite Holiday’s Traditions

We Need a Little Christmas (Angela Lansbury and the Mame Original Broadway Cast)

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots “Stuff the Bus” (San Jose, CA)

Die Hard Advent Calendar – Hans Gruber Falling off off Nakatomi Plaza

Listen to Underneath the Tree right now:

3 Comments on CWFC 103 – 75 Years of Toys For Tots

  1. […] Listen to this episode of the Can’t Wait for Christmas Podcast Author: Tim Babb Title: CWFC 103 – 75 Years of Toys For Tots […]

  2. timothy dixon says:

    John Lithgow as B Z in Santa Claus The Movie makes my list as a top Christmas villain.
    Selling exploding candy canes to kids at Christmas is as bad as it gets. Love the podcast. Keep up the good work

  3. Marcia Poppins says:

    WOW!!! Such a great podcast. It tied in so many of my favorite things: 1. Helping people (by the way, I donate every year to Prison Fellowship: ANGEL TREE CHRISTMAS – Thousands of children with a mom or dad in prison unwrap joy each year with Angel Tree Christmas™—a gift that reminds them they are valued and loved.), and TOYS for TOTS is now on my list; 2.The Walt Disney touch; 3. Making and eating cookies (no need for the jar, there’s usually nothing in it–I’ve had an empty bear for 37 years), in fact, cookie parties are the BEST; 4. So many people from other countries hearing your voice–would be EVEN BETTER with the boys; and last but certainly not least, 5. A great job of remembering Angela Lansbury–she was definitely an Angel and part of your GREAT podcast–miss the boys.

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